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  • Writer's picturevanessaosborneart

Having Fun with Floral Art

Painting, drawing, and all things art related bring me complete and utter happiness. Art also gives my busy mind and hectic lifestyle space and freedom to slow down and breathe.


'Sunflower' Acrylic on Canvas Board 46cm x 46cm (18"x18")

(Photo: Vanessa Osborne, 2023)

A simpler time

Life used to be much simpler. Of course, as children we had no idea what we were in for!

The world has rapidly changed before our eyes with technology progressing at mind blowing speed. Everything we ever thought we wanted (or didn't know we wanted!) is now available at the click of a button. Instead of waiting months for an overseas delivery we have them in a week; we can have food delivered to our front door from just about any restaurant without having to get out of the lounge chair; movies on demand; and the shops are open EVERY DAY - some of them 24/7!


'Peachy Poppy' Acrylic on Canvas Board 20cm x 20cm (8"x8")

(Photo: Vanessa Osborne, 2023)

This is both fabulous and disastrous at the same time. What a huge, contentious topic this could be! My point is, I have never been so tired and anxious and constantly 'switched on' in my life. With mobile phones, tablets, laptops, cloud services to access anything anywhere, and all the other devices and online services, it is hard to have a minute to myself.

As I get older, and hopefully wiser, the importance of self-care has never been more evident. If for nothing else, than to slow down time. All these wonderful technologies and conveniences have made me feel like time is slipping like sand through my fingers.


'Burgundy Tulip' Acrylic on Canvas Board 20cm x 20cm (8"x8")

(Photo: Vanessa Osborne, 2023)

Art is like therapy

Immersing myself in creating artworks changes that 'slipping away' sensation for me. Yes, time is still moving at the same pace, however, I feel the other urgencies are sent to the sidelines. I am never more present and in the moment that when I am painting.


'English Rose' Acrylic on Canvas 20cm x 20cm (8" x 8")

(Photo: Vanessa Osborne, 2023)

Remember to have fun

So, what do I mean by 'Art for Fun'? Well, honestly, any art is fun to me, but sometimes I step away from the large, complicated floral art pieces that take me countless hours to get to a point where I am happy to put them out there in the world, and feel the need to let go, loosen up, and have some fun. Fun for me - this may mean working on a smaller canvas, taking more risks that I would normally do, and being happy with the result in a couple of hours rather than days, or even weeks later! In fact, one of my favourites is a 20cm x 20cm (8" x 8") canvas board which I have titled Happy Dahlia. She is situated on the wall of my office at my day job and every time I look at her, I can't help but smile. I have created a whole collection of 'minis', as I call them, that are just for me - just because I wanted to... In creating these I have not placed myself under any pressure. They are done just for fun!


'Happy Dahlia' Acrylic on Canvas Board 20cm x 20cm (8" x 8")

(Photo: Vanessa Osborne, 2023)

If you have taken the time to read this, thank you, and I hope you have enjoyed it! Most of all, I hope that you too set some time aside for YOU and do something JUST FOR FUN!

Floral Art and Big Blooms Paintings

'Velvety Rose' Acrylic on Canvas Board 20cm x 25cm

Now I invite you to visit my online gallery. My name is Vanessa Osborne and I am a South Australian artist. I create colourful paintings of oversized blooms and large scale floral art.

Visit my website at

If you have any questions about my paintings, please don't hesitate to email me at:


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