Stuck in a rut... Where did that term even come from???
(Well actually, according to a search “stuck in a rut” possibly came from the 1800s when wagon wheels would become stuck in a groove (or ‘pothole’ as they are commonly referred to in Australia) in the road. Makes sense.)
But for sure, in a rut I have been stuck!
What is one to do when this happens?
I tell myself to just keep going. An artist is meant to paint, right? Well, not today, and not yesterday. Maybe not even tomorrow…
As my mentor recently pointed out, I have been busy working on my art - just in different ways.
December is a busy month in and of itself, so instead of painting up a storm, I have been doing other arty things such as photography, i.e. collecting masses of future painting references. December is a month of blooming roses, hydrangeas, and dahlias in my neck of the woods, [amongst many other beauties]. So, I have been spending time with my beautiful muses; how is it that a simple rose can just fill my heart with such joy?
October, November, and early December was also awash with gorgeous peonies, [of which I treated myself to a few bunches from the local florist!] and commenced filling up my cloud space with hundreds of photos capturing their beauty and their stunning metamorphosis.
I have also been working on my website; updating the Shop and finally releasing a few paintings into the world. Leading up to this there has been signing and varnishing, wiring, and hanging paintings.
Maybe this rut I am stuck in isn’t so bad. It has meant I’ve been ticking other things off the to-do list- things that are often cast aside in favour of painting.
Isn’t it funny how life just helps you get things done!
As mentioned, my website Shop now has a number of original paintings available. Watch this space- as there will be more coming soon just looking for their forever home!
If you have any questions about my paintings, please don’t hesitate to email me at - or... visit my shop, because - it is now open 😊